This self-guided, online course was developed by Maryland Public Television to help you as a newly hired child care center aides learn about your roles and responsibilities. In this course, you will explore the important rules and regulations that guide your work as a child care center aide. By the end of the course, you will have identified the requirements for becoming a child care center aide, explored the important health and safety aspects of working in a child care center, and developed an understanding of your role in supporting Developmentally Appropriate Practices to provide high-quality learning experiences for young children.
Estimated class time: 3 hours
MSDE Clock hours earned: Core of Knowledge - Professionalism
This self-paced course examines the Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR) that guide your work as a center director. You will learn the requirements for becoming a director, develop and describe your leadership style, recognize developmentally appropriate practices, identify effective ways of engaging families, and learn how to operate a successful business that provides high-quality learning experiences for young children.
Estimated class time: 3 hours
MSDE Clock hours earned: Core of Knowledge - Professionalism